Rest assured that our teaching faculty here at Centre Stage are all trained professionals with many years of experience in performing and teaching.
All of our teachers are either university Degree holders or have attained Music Diploma qualifications from the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music or Trinity College, London.
Ernesson Chiu has over 15 years of teaching experience, teaching violin, oboe and viola at primary and local schools as well as private institutions. With the growing number of students due to his excellent reputation, Ernesson established Centre Stage in 2010. Since the age of four, Ernesson studied violin under his father's guidance and fostered his passion for music. Obtained both Licentiate diplomas in Violin and Oboe,
Ernesson has extensive performance experience and has participated in many string quartets, string orchestras and symphony orchestras both in Hong Kong and in New Zealand.
Recently Ernesson has taken up the position of conducting in a local school orchestra and made considerable advancements in the group's abilities and techniques. He continues to perfect his teaching skills, applying paedagogy ideas with modern technologies, in hopes to learn with his students together to flourish as musicians.